Name:Yang YI
Current position:Associate Professor
l Research Interests
Information fusion, aerospace remote-sensing image processing and flight vehicle recognition.
l Work experience
2017 – Now Associate Professor, School of Aerospace Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
2016 – 2010 Lecture, School of Aerospace Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
l Education
2005 – 2019 Ph.D. Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
2002 – 2005 M.S. Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
l Funds and Projects
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (SRFDP)
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, China
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities , China
l Representative Publications
1. Yang Y& Han DQ.(2016).
A new distance-based total uncertainty measure in the theory of belief functions
Knowledge-Based Systems, 94: 114-123.
2. Yang Y; Han DQ & Dezert J. (2016).
An angle-based neighborhood graph classifier with evidential reasoning
Pattern Recognition Letters, 71: 78-85.
3. Yang Y; Li XR & Han DQ. (2016).
An improved alpha-cut approach to transforming fuzzy membership function into basic belief assignment
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 29(4): 1042-1051.
4. Yang Y; Han DQ & Dezert J. (2016).
A new non-specificity measure in evidence theory based on belief intervals
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 29(3): 704-713.
5. Yang Y& Liu YL. (2016).
Iterative approximation of basic belief assignment based on distance of evidence
PLOS ONE, 11(2): 1-27.
6. Yang Y; Han DQ & Han CZ. (2013).
Discounted combination of unreliable evidence using degree of disagreement
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 54(8): 1197-1216.
7. Yang Y; Han DQ; Han CZ & Cao F. (2013).
A novel approximation of basic probability assignment based on rank-level fusion
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 26(4): 993-999.