Name:Fei Wang
Current position:Professor
ORCID ID:https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-8275-0256
l Research Interests
We are working on synthesizing advanced metallic materials, mechanical properties of nanocrystalline metals and amorphous materials, nanocrystalline materials, size effects of mechanical properties, interfacial materials, surface modification.
l Work experience
2014 – Now |
Professor, School of Aerospace Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China |
2008 – 2014 |
Associate Professor, School of Aerospace Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China |
2006 – 2008 |
Lecture, School of Aerospace Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China |
2004 – 2006 |
Postdoc, Mechanics, School of Aerospace, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China |
l Education
2001 – 2004 Ph.D. Materials Science, Xi’an Jiaotong University
1999 – 2001 M.S. Materials Science, Xi’an Jiaotong University
1995 – 1999 M.S. Materials Science, Xi’an Jiaotong University
l Honors and Awards
New Century Talent Supporting Project by Education Ministry of China (2011–2013)
First place in the 5thNational Youth Mechanics Teacher Lecture Competition (2014)
Key Young Teachers of Xi’an Jiaotong University (2010)
l Representative Publications
1. Q. Zhou, J. Wang, A. Misra, P. Huang, F. Wang, KW Xu, Dislocation interaction induced structural instability in intermetallic Al2Cu,NPJ Computational Materials, 2017, 2: 1-7.
2. C. Gu,P. Huang*, F. Wang, K. W. Xu, T. J. Lu, Size-dependent hardness and tensile plasticity of Ta-Zr61Cu17.5Ni10All7.5Si4nanolaminates,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 707:321-326.(SCI,影响因子3.133).
3. C. Gu, P. Huang, M.B. Liu, K. W. Xu, F. Wang, T. J. Lu, Intrinsic size effect of CuTa/Cu nanolaminates with unequal modulation ratios,Scripta Materialia, 2017, 130: 100-104,(SCI,影响因子3.747).
4. Q. Zhou, J. Wang, A. Misra, P. Huang*, F. Wang, K.W. Xu, Atomistic study of fundamental character and motion of dislocations in intermetallic Al2Cu,International Journal of Plasticity, 2016, 87: 100-113.(SCI,影响因子5.702).
5. Z. Q. Chen, P. Huang, K. W. Xu, F. Wang, T. J. Lu,βrelaxation related bright bands in thin film metallic glasses: localized percolation of flow units captured via transmission electron microscope,Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 109: 261903,(SCI,影响因子3.411).
6. Z. Q Chen, L. Huang, F. Wang,P. Huang*, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, Suppression of annealing-induced embrittlement in bulk metallic glass by surface crystalline coating,Materials & Design, 2016, 109: 179-185.(SCI,影响因子4.364).
7. Q. Zhou, S. Li,P. Huang*, K. W. Xu, F. Wang, T. J. Lu, Strengthening mechanism of super-hard nanoscale Cu/Al multilayers with negative enthalpy of mixing,APL Materials, 2016, 4: 096102.(SCI,影响因子4.335).
8. Y. Cui, O. Torrents Abad, F. Wang,P. Huang*, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, J. Wang, Plastic Deformation Modes of CuZr/Cu Multilayers,Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 23306.(SCI,影响因子4.259).
9. Q. Zhou, J.J. Li, F. Wang,P. Huang*, K.W. Xu, T.J. Lu, Strain rate sensitivity of Cu/Ta multilayered films: Comparison between grain boundary and heterophase interface,Scripta Materialia, 2016, 111: 123-126,(SCI,影响因子3.747).
10. C. Gu, F. Wang,P. Huang*, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, Effects of Cu layers on the deformation behavior of CuTa/Cu multilayer thin films,Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 649: 9-17,(SCI,影响因子3.094).