

编辑:杨利娜 浏览数: 发布时间:2024-06-30



International summer school of Xi’an Jiaotong UniversityExperimental and computational mechanics

Contents includeComputational mechanics: the fundamental theory of Finite element method and practice. Experimental mechanics: Strength of ceramics, Fracture toughness of ceramics, Dislocations (general introductory lecture unit), Plastic deformation of ceramics: from high temperature to room temperature, Size-dependent competition between plasticity and cracking


Computational mechanics

格罗宁根大学University of Groningen, Prof. F. (Francesco) Maresca

Lecture time: 4 times; 2h with 15min break;

July 9th-12th: 16:30-18:30 China time, Tencent meeting453-9783-4116.

Experimental mechanics:

德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KITProf. Xufei Fang

Lecture time: 5 times; 2h with 15min break;

July 11th-12th: (15:00-17:00 China time zone); Tencent meeting815-803-004.

July 17th-19th: (19:30-21:00 China time zone); Tencent meeting685-4007-5201.

Anyone who is interested in attending this on-line class, need to scan the following QR code to join the we-chat group of this class.

方旭飞(XuFei Fang,博士生导师,国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院 (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT)。本科 (2007-2011)毕业于清华大学工程力学系,博士(2011-2016)毕业于清华大学工程力学系。2016-2019在德国马克斯普朗克钢铁研究所(Max-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungMPIE)开展博士后工作,期间受德国洪堡博士后奖学金资助,主要从事微纳力学和氢脆相关的研究工作。2019-2024在德国达姆施塔特工业大学 (Technical University of Darmstadt) 以雅典娜学者的身份独立领导课题组 (博导及独立授课资格),开展室温陶瓷位错力学相关研究工作。自2021.08起在日本大阪大学担任客座副教授。自2024.04起在德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院 (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT) 以长聘课题组组长身份开展独立研究。2024.05通过德国教授资格考试 (Habilitation),获独立指导博士生及授课资格。目前的研究兴趣主要集中于室温陶瓷位错力学及功能调控,氢脆,微纳米力学,多场耦合条件下材料的变形及失效.2019年起,独立主持欧盟研究委员会 (European Research Council, ERC) 项目一项 (2023-2028),德国研究联合会 (DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) 项目两项 (2019-2023; 2023-2025)。本人团队在陶瓷位错方面的研究工作获得的奖项包括Robert W. Cahn Best Paper Prize (Journal of Materials Science, Springer, 2022), 美国陶瓷协会 “2nd Century Trailblazers” (Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2023). 2022年起,多次受邀参加陶瓷顶级会议,包括Gordon Research Conference (2024) International Congress on Ceramics (2024)等。

F. (Francesco) Maresca, 格罗宁根大学University of Groningen大学副教授,博士生导师。教育和工作经历如下:2004-2008, 本科, University of Florence2008-2011,硕士, University of Florence2011-2015, 博士M.G.D Geers University of Florence2015-2019 博士后EPFLW.A. Curtin2019-至今, 助理教授,University of Groningen。主要研究多尺度力学,包括:通过合金中位错塑性、相变和断裂的多尺度(原子和连续)建模方法,对材料中的结构-性能关系进行基本理解;应用多尺度建模方法应对关键挑战,如钢的氢脆和液态金属脆化;形状记忆合金的功能疲劳;锌基涂层的磨损;复杂集中(高熵)合金的强度/延展性权衡。曾获奖:(1) 固体力学Biezeno2016: Best PhD thesis in Solid Mechanics in the NetherlandsKIVI Mechanics & Engineering Mechanics Graduate School; (2) Young Academic’s award 2016 for “the best PhD thesis in Europe in the field of metallurgy and materials science of steels” (Stahlinstitut VDEh Düsseldorf, Germany)(3) Emerging Leader 2021提名奖, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering杂志编委会.

Please click the following link to register the program.:https://global.xjtudlc.com

地址:陕西省西安市碑林区咸宁西路28号 邮编:710049

版权所有:蓝鲸体育 - 蓝鲸体育旧版安装
